How to Write an Effective Research Paper

Write an Effective Research Paper

I am listing some points which is important to be noted during writing of a research paper. This presentation is based on my own experience. Research practice and approaches vary. After reading this article, you will be able to write an effective research paper.

Write an Effective Research Paper

Steps to Write an Effective Research Paper

  • Getting ready with data
  • Structure of a Research Paper
  • Selecting a journal
  • Submission

Getting Ready With Data

In the very first step, we should collect and gather all the important data, analyses, tables and plots.

Organize the results so that they follow a logical sequence. Create figures for manuscripts and Consolidate data plots. Discus data with your advisor and note all the important points.

Structure of a Research Paper

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Experimental Section
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References


  • Write a title that is attractive, simple and accurately reflects the investigation.
  • Avoid Acronyms that are known only to specialized community.
  • Phrases to avoid: Investigate, Study, Novel, Facile etc.


Abstract refer to first couple of sentences should focus on what the study is about. Include all the major findings in a style that a general readership can read and understand easily. Keep it short and effective.


Start the introduction section with a general background of the topic on which you are writing Research Paper.

  • Write 3-4 small paragraphs that discuss previous work.
  • Point out issues and limitation that are being addressed in the present work.

Experimental Section

The experimental section should give all the information necessary for someone to
actually repeat your experiments successfully. The Experimental Section is always written in the third person, past tense. Under the Experimental Section, each experimental is described in a separate paragraph that has a brief, descriptive title in bold. The Experimental Section should be a brief step-by-step summary of what was done during the experiment. In short words divide this section into Materials and Methods, Characterization Measurements and data analysis.

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion sections can either be combined into one section or organized as separate to improve readability and clarity. Describe your Results in detail and include a strong detailed discussion. Include the photographs to enhance the scope of discussion. Explain how your data compare or distinction with previous results. The purpose of a Results Section is to present the key results of your research.


A conclusion is the last paragraph in your research paper, or the last part in any other type of presentation. You can usually do this in one paragraph. In other words a Conclusion is, in some ways, like your introduction. You restate your thesis and summarize your main points of evidence for the reader.


Reference page is the last page of a Research Paper that’s been written in APA style. The styles vary for different journals. (Use ENDNOTE, RefWorks) some journals require complete titles of the cited references. Please check for the accuracy of all citations.

Selecting a Journal

After preparing a Research Paper, your next step is to choose a journal for the publication of our Research. It is very important that you select a peer-reviewed journal which will present your research in the best way and convey it to the right target audience. Each journal specializes in a specific area of research. Hence its readership varies. A proper choice of journal can make a larger impact of your research. Get to know the focus and readership of the journal that you are considering. Select 2 or 3 journals in the chosen area with relatively high impact factors. Discuss with your advisor and decide on the journal.


Read out the finalized paper carefully. Check for accuracy of figures and captions. Make sure the paper is read by at least one or two colleagues who is not familiar with the specific work. Get feedback from advisor and colleagues. Provide a cover letter t the editor along with a brief paragraph highlighting the importance of this work and names of possible reviewers. At the end submit the paper online along with copyright form.

Engr. Rahamd Ullah
Engr. Rahamd Ullah
Articles: 83
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