How to create a Job Posting Schema in WordPress without Plugin?

Create a Job Posting Schema in WordPress

When a qualified person to take on responsibility is needed, every firm has job vacancies. Structured data for postings is displayed in search results thanks to schema markups. This ensures that your candidate receives all of the necessary information at once, and you’ll be more likely to receive applications from qualified candidates.

This tutorial will help you create a Job Posting Schema Markup in WordPress without the use of any Plugins. There are plenty of Plugins available for creating schema but many people dislike the use of excessive Plugins. One reason is that it slows down the website speed. In this tutorial, we will illustrate the creation of a Job Posting Schema in a step-by-step procedure.

Type in your browser to open the website for a schema generator. Here you can create an online schema of different types. At, you can create a schema for any of the following types. The schema markup is generated automatically as you start filling in the fields.

  • Article
  • Breadcrumb
  • Event
  • FAQ Page
  • How-to
  • Job Posting
  • Local Business
  • Organization
  • Person
  • Product
  • Recipe
  • Video
  • Website

Steps for adding Job Posting Schema

Following is a step-by-step illustration of how to create a job posting schema.

  • Select Job Posting from the drop-down menu.
  • Provide a suitable title for the job.

This title is the most important entity in a job posting schema. This attracts the users to click on the link of your website among many others. You should, therefore, be very careful to provide a title whose CTR is high.

  • Provide an identifier for the job.

It is the search pattern that people type in search engines for searching. It is like a keyword or the focus keyword.

  • Job Description: This is a collection of about 200 to 320 characters that describe the job.
  • Company: Provide the name of the company which is hiring.
  • Company URL: Provide the URL of the company if it exists.

This field along with other fields is not mandatory. Therefore leaving it blank will not produce any error in jobs posting schema markup.

  • Industry:  Write the name of the industry in this field.
  • Employment Type: Select the employment type. It has the options of full-time, half-time, intern, Contractor and temporary, etc.
  • Work hours: Provide work hours for the job, starting time, and ending time.
  • Date Posted: As the name suggests, it is the date on which the job is posted
  • Expiration Date: This is the last date for application submission.
  • Remote Job: if the job offered is removed then this field must be checked.
  • Address: Provide Street, City, State, Zip Code, and Country for the job.
  • Salary: Provide a minimum and maximum salary for the job.
  • Requirements: Provide responsibilities, required education and qualification, Skills required and required experience.
create a Job Posting Schema in WordPress

When you are done filling all the fields, the schema markup is automatically generated in the right panel. Just copy this generated code. Go to your Word Press Post and copy it over there. Don’t forget to change the editor to a text format before copying the code.


This was all about adding schema markup for the job posting. This was without the use of any Plugin. If you want to insert the schema via a Plugin, there are plenty of Plugins available. Just type Schema in the WordPress Plugins repository and you will get one. This should also be kept in mind, that many of these Plugins generate Job posting schema in premium only. You should, therefore, read the description of the Plugin carefully before installing it. Hope you understand the topic. If you have any questions related to the topic, please ask it in the comment section. We will feel it a movement of happiness if we are useful to someone. Look at the following example for creating job posting schema markup.

If you really want to accomplish this task via Plugin. Then please read this article to know about how to properly add a Plugin in WordPress.

Engr. Rahamd Ullah
Engr. Rahamd Ullah
Articles: 83
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