Category General


BUSINESS MANAGEMENT         Organizing business activities is prior to all tools of Business Management. Without the organization of business activities neither we can plan nor control our business. Without control of major business activities, it will be difficult to direct…


MAKE A BUSINESS SUCCESSFUL                            The aim of this article is to highlight the key parameters necessary to make your business successful. Many people engaged in business activities ignore these key parameters which cost them not only a decrease in…

What are the factors affecting customer satisfaction?

Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction             Customer satisfaction is key to any successful business. The whole business activities revolve around generating revenues which is a function of market potential and it depends on the number of customers that consume your product  It’s…

How to Start Your Own Business?

Start your own business Having your own business is the dream of every youngster. This is a new and very good trend developed in the new generation. It has multiple advantages to be the owner of your own business. Some…

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is a way of passive income in which you promote products of other people to get a passive income. This can be done through an affiliate network or direct contact with the product owner. As an…

How to Write an Effective Research Paper

Write an Effective Research Paper I am listing some points which is important to be noted during writing of a research paper. This presentation is based on my own experience. Research practice and approaches vary. After reading this article, you…